I AM.. Hon.Ankhto13er9

I'm thrilled you're here.

I AM MARK HOLIMON but you can call me Honorable ANKHTO13ER9 (OKTOBER 9). I was born raised and currently reside in Cincinnati, Ohio. I turned a lifelong passion for art, music, writing and good conversation into a highly informative popular blog and respected intellectual podcast and multimedia publishing company Ethereal Embassy Unlimited LLC. I'm now on every popular streaming platform, I turn multiple marketing niche channels into several thriving e-commerce operations and investments leveraging social media and related nuances. The best business to mind are the ones that pay you.

I'm an autodidact free thinking self facilitated sovereign entity with an emphasis on pop culture, health, science, metaphysics and technology. I am dedicated to entrepreneurial development and health consciousness. I create highly informative content sharing my perspectives in hopes of adding intellectual value and substance. My love of art and intellect fuels my passion for intellectual discussions and higher learning. In the spirit of my Ancestors I speak truth to power in hopes that my contributions are honored and respected. I AM..

Yours truly,
Mark Ankhto13er9 Holimon

Let's talk

Processing your feedback and responding to inquiries is important to me. Contact me if you have any questions, comments, information, or to request a quote. I will get back to you shortly. Remember you can also follow me on my social networks or email me directly:
